The Beckham Law In Spain in 2024: How It Can Benefit You

In 2024, the Beckham Law in Spain continues to offer significant tax benefits for expats, attracting international professionals with its favorable tax regime.

This article explores how the law works, who can benefit, and the specific reliefs it provides, helping you navigate the Spanish tax landscape effectively.

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Table of Contents

What Is the Beckham Law in Spain, An Introduction

The Beckham Law also known as the Impatriate Law, or as the Special Expats’ Tax Regime (SETR), is a Spanish tax regime constructed to attract international talent and qualified workers to Spain by offering favourable tax conditions.

This special regime received its nickname when the famous football player David Beckham moved to Spain to play for Real Madrid and was one of the first foreigners to take full advantage of it.

The royal decree: Royal Decree 687/2005 allows foreigners who have moved to the Spanish territory to be subject to a flat rate of 24% for the income they obtain in Spain instead of the usual progressive resident tax rates on all worldwide incomes that can vary from 19% to 47%. Depending on where you are in Spain the progressive rates vary based on the autonomous regions. For example, in the Region of Valencia, the maximum rate for income tax is 56%.

The point of this article is to shed light on the purpose of this law, how it works and who can truly benefit from it.

Beckham Law in Spain in 2024 - Shirt of david beckham

Important Definitions

Before continuing with the explanation and application of The Beckham Law in Spain in 2024, it is important to describe certain tax related definitions specific to Spain as this will assist with the broader understanding of The Beckham Law.

Types of Taxable Income in Spain

When looking at income tax in Spain we must first differentiate between General income and Savings income

Savings Income =

  • Capital gains generated from the sale or transfer of assets. (Capital gains are an increase in the value of a capital asset when it is sold. These assets can be significant pieces of property such as homes, cars, investment properties, stocks, bonds, and even collectibles or art,
  • Income derived from life assurance contracts/plans,
  • Purchased annuity income,
  • General interest,
  • Dividend payments.
Beckham Law in Spain in 2024 - Savings income in Spain Diagram

General Income =

  • All income earned that is not classified as a savings income mentioned above.
  • Capital gains not generated from the sale of assets (such as lottery prizes).
  • Income allocations, attributions, or imputations, as established by Spanish law.
Group 3095

Income Tax in Spain

When it comes to income tax in Spain, there are variations in the rates to pay depending on your residency status in Spain. This means that:

  • If you are a Spanish resident for tax purposes you will be subject to the Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Fisicas (IRPF),
  • If you are NOT a Spanish resident for tax purposes, you will be subject to the Impuesto sobre la Renta de no Residentes (IRNR).

If you are classified as a Spanish resident the following progressive rates will be applied to your general income earned. However, it must be mentioned that each autonomous region in Spain (Comunidad Autonoma, CA) may set its own rates.

From To National income tax rate Standard CA Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
€0 €12.450 9.5% 9.5% 19%
€12.450 €20.200 12.00% 12.00% 24%
€20.200 €35.200 15.00% 15.00% 30%
€35.200 €60.000 18.50% 18.50% 37%
€60.000 €300.000 22.50% 22.50% 45%
€300.000 above 23.5% 23.5% 47%

And the following rates are applied to your income earned from savings income:

From To Tax rate
€0 €6.000 19%
€6.000 €50.000 21%
€50.000 €200.000 23%
€200.000 €300.000 27%
€300.000 And above 28%

If you have income earned in Spain but are classified as non-resident you are subject to the IRNR. The rates are as follows:

  • General income = 24% unless resident in a EU member state, you will be taxed at 19%.
  • Capital gains from the sale of assets = 19%
  • Interest = 19% (exempt for residents in a EU member state.)
  • Dividends = 19%

Regional variations do not exist in this situation.

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Tax Rules in Spain for Foreigners Before and After the Creation of the Beckham Law

A good way to understand the application of The Beckham Law in 2024 is to look at the tax landscapes before and after the creation of this favourable tax regime for expats.

Before 2005

Before 2005, all those who moved to Spain and who decided to spend more than 6 months in a year in the country would become tax residents.

This meant that those expats were now subject to personal income tax on their worldwide income under the IRPF and would be subject to progressive tax rates, similar to the ones mentioned above, starting at 19% for the lower income earners and rising to 45% for those earning above €60.000.

Because of the way Spanish taxes work, it meant foreigners who were Spanish residents also had to declare all income generated abroad.

This old regime hindered high net worth individuals from making the move to Spain. All this changed from 2005.

After 2005

With an objective to boost the Spanish economy and lure in high value foreigners to join local workforces, in 2005, Royal Decree 687/2005, completely overhauled the Spanish personal income tax regime for certain expats.

Under this new modified regime, if a foreigner was to spend over 6 months (183 days) in Spain, they would be considered a tax resident and would now be taxed under a new special set of rules. These are:

  • Spanish income tax applied only on the income earned and obtained in Spain,
  • Instead of the rate of tax being on a progressive scale, this individual would benefit from the Beckham law’s new flat rate of 24% up to the amount of €600,000 earned. Anything above the amount of €600,000 will be subject to a flat rate of 47%.

The new rules that allow a reduction in tax liabilities for foreigners residing in Spain will last for their first year of residence and then the following 5 consecutive years.

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The Beckham Law: Who Does It Target, Who Does It Benefit in 2024?

As we have previously mentioned, the Beckham Law was created and designed to target and benefit a large group of foreign people who have chosen to relocate to Spain for economic activities.

According to the LIRPF those foreigners who have relocated to Spain for work purposes can benefit from The Beckham Law under the following conditions:

  • The individual must not have been a Spanish tax resident in the last 5 years.
  • The relocation to Spain must be based on a labour contract or appointed as an administrator of a business located in Spain. If the business is classified as “asset-managing” the ownership must be less than 25% of that business.
  • The income cannot be exempt from regular Spanish income tax law.
  • The law applies to both EU and Non-EU nationals
  • Spouses and children under 25 years old may also benefit from these favourable rates.

From 2023, those that have applied for the Digital Nomad Visa and meet all necessary obligations may also enjoy the benefits of the Beckham Law after a close analysis of the individual’s personal situation.

Who cannot apply for Beckham’s Law in Spain in 2024?

Unfortunately, not all foreigners moving to Spain can enjoy the benefits provided by the Beckham Law.

  • Freelancers or self-employed persons that DO NOT possess a digital nomad visa.
  • Directors of business entities.

What are the exact reliefs provided by the Beckham Law in Spain in 2024

Now that we have clearly presented who can benefit from the Beckham Law, what it has an impact on and its general purpose, we can present the exact reliefs the Beckham Law grants: 

Income Tax

The main tax relief is granted to general income, as defined above, earned in Spain. Those who can benefit from the Beckham Law will be taxed at a fixed rate of 24% for their first €600.000 of general income earned in Spain only.

If their general income earned is above €600,001 then a fixed rate of 47% will be charged.  

Capital Gains

Another major benefit of falling under the scope of the Beckham Law in Spain in 2024 is the favourable tax rates when there are Capital gains on dividends acquired and/or after the sale of assets.

These will be charged on variable rates that range from 19% to 26% depending on the original amount.

Capital gains acquired outside of Spain must still be paid to the relevant authorities in the country where said gains were obtained.

Property Tax

Those who are eligible for the Beckham Law can also benefit from a strategic tax advantage on Property Tax. Under the conditions of the Beckham Law, only properties in Spain will be taxed.

Do you Need Help Applying For The Beckham Law?

How Do You Apply for the Beckham Law in Spain in 2024

The application process to receive the benefits provided by the Beckham Law in Spain in 2024 should be carefully considered:

Beckham Law Requirements

To apply for the Beckham Law, you need to provide:

Passport and NIE

Social Security Number

Employment Contract:

Application Process

The application process needs to be submitted within the first 6 months of the date you signed up for Social Security for the purposes of employment in the Spanish Company.

Then to inform the relevant Spanish tax agency you must fill out and send the form Model 149 [LINK].

If your application is approved, a certificate will be issued to you, the taxpayer, demonstrating that you are now benefiting from this special regime.

The Spanish Supreme Court in 2020 decided that if the form 149 was submitted after the 6-month window (mentioned above) had passed, the special regime will not be applied and therefore, you would be liable to pay your taxes under the General Regime.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Beckham Law in Spain in 2024

Let us summarise the Beckham Law in 2024 by looking at the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the Beckham Law:

Lower Tax Rates: Significant tax savings with a flat rate on Spanish income.

Simplicity: Easier tax calculations compared to progressive rates.

Attractive for High Earners: Benefits those with high income levels significantly.

Disadvantages of the Beckham Law:

Limited Duration: Benefits are available for a maximum of six years.

Cannot benefit from double taxations agreements.

It primarily benefits high earners. Those earning below the threshold might find the general regime more advantageous.

Cannot enjoy the personal or family deductions that residents can benefit from.

Beckham Law in Spain - Last Image - Pay your taxes


As with all matters relating to your finances and your wealth, seeking professional advice is crucial.

We, at Private Client Consultancy, are delighted to provide you with the knowledge and experience to assist you in making the right decisions when considering your move to Spain or other locations across Europe.

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